The Mirror Has No Faces
by Rana Eros

The challenge was "hobby." The title is because I can't resist an opportunity to mock the stupidity of the rich and neurotic. Eliza betaed.

Hobby is a harmless word for what he does. Obsession makes it sound sexual.

He lets them think it is sexual, behaves as though it is. Flirts and harasses and even plants spells to prove it. It is easier. For them. For him. It is something they can understand.

He clicks through his collection, watching the way they all watch Tsuzuki. The way no one will ever watch him. He is a voice and power, a pair of gloves and a half-mask, and there is nothing to see.

He watches them watch Tsuzuki and wonders if there used to be.


Yami no Matsuei
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