What You Pay For
by Rana Eros

Unbetaed, written for a "crossovers" challenge on the Yami no Matsuei LJ drabble community fuda_100.

"He should have died five years ago," Hisoka says afterward. "It is surprising you were meant to survive."

"We were both meant to survive, because we both did," Edward husks. He screamed himself out earlier, gave Tsuzuki's Shikigami a battle worthy of the Golden Emperor; but death is deaf and immutable, no matter how skilled the alchemist.

The surrounding destruction proves that both Elrics are very skilled.

"Brother," Alphonse whispers, ghostly at Tsuzuki's side.

Edward looks at him. "I'll get you back."

"You'll die trying," Tsuzuki protests.

Edward's expression doesn't change. "Worse could happen."

Hisoka is certain it already has.


Fullmetal Alchemist
Yami no Matsuei
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