Serve Two Masters
by Rana Eros

I think there was a challenge behind this one, but I can't remember what it was now. Really, the Crawford/Aya/Schuldig needs no excuse. Betaed by Eliza and Rune.

"Kritiker's not taking care of you."

Aya whirled, brought up his sword, but Schuldig and Crawford were already inside his defenses. Crawford grabbed his wrist, touched the torn corner of his mouth while Schuldig wrapped around him, snuggling close.

"Infiltrated by an outside agent," Crawford continued. "Even SS was not so sloppy."

"Yet SS fell," Aya said, and caught Schuldig's grin out of the corner of his eye.

"Yes. Kritiker's turn."


"Only we can make you bleed," Crawford said and Schuldig kissed his jaw. "Ours, Ran."

"We never--"

You agreed, Schuldig contradicted. I heard you.


Weiss Kreuz
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