by Rana Eros

I share Hisoka's intolerance for extreme heat, so how he deals with it, and his co-workers, is very interesting to me. I also think Meifu is full of some very, very sneaky people. Betaed by Rune.

Hisoka hated the heat. It rendered him exhausted yet sleepless, irritable, fragile and likely to collapse. That made Tsuzuki protective, which only made him more irritable until he snapped and collapsed and the whole cycle began again.

Their co-workers didn't help.

"Are you all right, Kurosaki-kun? You look flushed."

"Have a seat, Bon. You shouldn't overdo."

"Drink this, Hisoka-chan!"

All said loudly enough for Tsuzuki to overhear and fuss at him.

Then Tatsumi said, "This heatwave is bad, but at least Tsuzuki and Terazuma haven't destroyed anything."

Hisoka considered, remembered the library, and understood.

Tsuzuki walked in.

"Water, Kurosaki-kun?"



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