The stories contained on this site are works of fanfiction. That means
the words are mine, but most of the characters and settings are not.
I write slash, het, gen, saffic, and polyfic. Read at your own risk.
January 8, 2008: Time Will Tell
has been added to the Cheon Sang Ji Hee
page, as have the following Dong Bang Shin Ki
stories featuring cameos from various members of CSJH:
One of Those Days? and Touched
By An Angel.
Added Breaking the Rules,
Everywhere You Want to Be,
Hat Check, How
You Play the Game, Just Can't
Miss, Langue d'Amour,
Love Bites, One
of Those Days?, Pony Up,
Savage Weapons, Set
the Story Straight, The Smiles
Returning to the Faces, Snow
Is Glistening, Tired With Joy,
and Touched By An Angel with
DVD commentary to the Dong
Bang Shin Ki page. Also added Prismatic,
next in the Elements of Photography series,
and The Semi-Parasitic Plant of
Peace and Harmony Strikes Again and What's
Japanese for 'This Can Only End in Tears?', two new Chaotic
Butterfly stories in the new series I Spiked the
Eggnog With the Spirit of International Cooperation.
Added Taking Her Measure to the
GetBackers page.
Added C Is For Cain, a Count
Cain/Godchild drabble, to the Miscellaneous
page. Also added Got Your Back (All Down My
Front), a Dark Angel kiss, my three Yuletide 2008 stories,
all Faery Tale-based, Beyond the
Wide World's Edge, The Bruise Around
the Wound, and Never To Be Told,
and This Too Is Peace, a kiss based
in Norse Mythology.
Ghost In Me, the next in the
Death Becomes Him series, has been added to
the Yami no Matsuei page.
May 21, 2008: Cheon Sang Ji Hee get
their own page. There you can find the new story, The
Best Part of Waking Up, as well as Hope
Sings, Orientation,,
and the story No Secret, which
is primarily Dong Bang Shin Ki but
features a guest appearance by Stephanie.
Added Age Before, Allegro,
Best Served Cold, Chef's
Special, Délicieux,
Lost in the Sound, Nobody's
Baby, and Today's Catch (The
Place You Are Remix), a remix of Catch
of the Day, to the Dong Bang Shin Ki
page. Also added the first two stories of the Elements of
Photography series, Test
Shot and Lens Flare.
Also added The Road to Okinawa,
co-written with angelacaduca, Eliza, Jemz, and Mousapelli, and No
Added I'm Not Sleeping, an X/1999
piece, to the Miscellaneous page.
Added Heady Brew to the Saiyuki
Fear to Tread, the next in
the Red Tape series, has been added to both
the Saiyuki and Yami
no Matsuei pages.
Added I Can Lead You, Knave
of Hearts, Melts In Your Hands,
An Overwhelming Question (Wind of
Human Voices Acoustic Mix), Serve
to Cover, Soft the Snow Comes,
and Turn Me In Your Arms to the
Yami no Matsuei page.
January 9, 2008: Wow. Didn't realize it had been that long. I need
to stop thinking about updating my site in October, then deciding to
wait until after Yuletide. No good ever comes of it.
Added City of Light, Deep
End, Duet, Go
the Spoils, In Frame and
its sequel, The Warm Spot, Knocks
Me Off My Feet, Nesting,
Perpetual, 'Til
I Know I'm Home, and Your Sweet
Heart to the Dong Bang Shin Ki
page. Also added the first five stories of the Making Diamonds
series, When Given Coal, Apply
Extreme Pressure, A Hint of
Shine, Marking the Cut,
and Cleaving the Rough, plus
the interlude Now You're Speaking My
Language, all based on Mousapelli's original Chaotic
Butterfly universe, to the Dong Bang
Shin Ki page.
Added All of Them Mostly True, In
a Manner of Speaking and A Ghostly
Galleon to the Pirates of the Caribbean
Added Volume Control to the
Saiyuki page.
Added Gather Near to Us to the seaQuest
DSV page.
Added Inheritance, the next
story in the Yami no Schwarz fusionverse,
to both the Weiss Kreuz and Yami
no Matsuei pages.
Added Breakthrough, Couture,
Love Song, Nor
Darkness to Purify, Requiescat,
and This water dropping to
the Yami no Matsuei page. Also added
A Little Earth, next in the Death
Becomes Him series.
August 15, 2007: Added Finest Hours,
Finest Hours (Did I Dream You Dreamed
Remix), Live Charge,
Look Like a Dream, Not
a Lonely Man, Retrospective,
and What You Wish For to the Dong
Bang Shin Ki page.
Added Orientation, a Cheon
Sang Ji Hee story, to the Miscellaneous
Added All of Them True to the Pirates
of the Caribbean page.
Added What Ails Ye to the Yami
no Matsuei page.
May 13, 2007: Added Four Quarters Perfection
to the Dong Bang Shin Ki page.
The Still Point of the Turning World
has been added to the GetBackers page.
Hope Sings, a story about the female
Korean band Cheon Sang Ji Hee, has been added to the Miscellaneous
Added Scripted to the Saiyuki
Tactics gets its own page, on which
can be found Belong, a new story.
Catch My Breath and In
the Dark have been added to the Weiss
Kreuz page.
Added Dream Within to the Wild
Adapter page.
Added Desire Arrives, Leaving
Me In Silence, Lost Communication
(Stop Motion Percussive Instrumental), Treat
Him Right, and Two Dishes, But to
One Table (Hungry Ghost Overdub) to the Yami
no Matsuei page.
March 8, 2007: The Final Ingredient,
Heat Exchange, and You
Wear It So Well have been added to the Dong
Bang Shin Ki page.
Added Ghost of an Unkissed Kiss
to the Fullmetal Alchemist and Saiyuki
The Earl's Folly, a Count Cain/Godchild
story, has been added to the Miscellaneous
Field Tactics has been added
to the Saiyuki page.
rendering death and forever
has been added to the Yami no Matsuei
January 29, 2007: Added Vacation Coda:
You're My Miracle to the Dong Bang Shin
Ki page.
Smoke and Mirrors, a Tactics
mirror drabble set, has been added to the Miscellaneous
How the Monkey Stole the Sun
and Sleep Aid have been added
to the Saiyuki page.
creates a day has been added to
the Wild Adapter page.
January 6, 2007: Added Housewarming
and Wholly of Blue to the Boondock
Saints page.
Added Also Cute and Fluffy, And
Eat It Too, Come On Strong,
Fringe Benefit, and Take
Me I'm Yours to the Dong Bang Shin Ki
Added Picture You By the Ocean
to the GetBackers page.
Added Motion Can Keep Me Still,
a Tactics story, and Sweeten Thy
Mouth, a Swordspoint French kiss, to the Miscellaneous
Added A Kiss for Remembrance to
the Pirates of the Caribbean page.
Added Bosatsu's Gambit to the Saiyuki
page. Realized Comfort Food has
been missing from the site all this time. Oy. Also added to the Saiyuki
Added Dream a Little Dream to the
Weiss Kreuz page.
Added The Heart that Beats,
a Yami no Schwarz drabble series, to the Weiss
Kreuz and Yami no Matsuei pages.
Added Literate Heart, Soul
Food, and Zen and the Art of Connection
to the Yami no Matsuei page.
November 2, 2006: I have to stop going so long between updates.
Dong Bang Shin Ki get their own page.
On it can be found both Catch of the Day
and Simmering, plus new stories
Dark Room, Friends
Like These, its sequel, Center
of Attention, No Destination,
Social Dancing in 4-1 Time, Sweeter
Things, Where the Door Is Always
Open, and the first two stories of the Conjugal
Conjugations series, Grammatical
Relativism and Out of Context.
The multi-fandom drabble series Get Away
has been added to the Miscellaneous
page. The individual drabbles have been added to their respective fandom
pages. They are: Heart Abloom in
Yami no Matsuei, No
Destination in Dong Bang Shin Ki,
Lend a Hand in Saiyuki,
Been All Over, and All
The Colors, both in GetBackers.
Pirates of the Caribbean gets its
own page, whereon you can find Homecoming
(Down to the Sea Extended Trance Mix),Treasure
Not Gold, and Really Bad Eggs,
a crossover with Saiyuki.
You can also find Really Bad Eggs
on the Saiyuki page.
Added The Dragonfly Effect to
the Weiss Kreuz page.
July 4, 2006: Added Facing You,
Fraternization, Love
Comes to Rest, Soothe the Savage,
and walked into my kiss as a stranger
to the GetBackers page.
Added Catch of the Day and Simmering,
both RPF about the Korean band Dong Bang Shin Ki, to the Miscellaneous
Added EquiVocation to the Saiyuki
Added Lost in Here: A Fairy Tale About Slavery,
The Rest, and Say
It With Flowers, a drabble sequel to In
the Garden of Morpheus, to the Weiss
Kreuz page.
Added Can Hurt You to the Wild
Adapter page.
April 22, 2006: Applied Sciences and Fine
Arts, Cold Outside, Farfegnugen,
Filled With You, Perfectly
Aligned, and Tried As An Adult
have been added to the GetBackers page.
Number One With and Sun-Kissed
have been added to the Saiyuki page.
Determines Meaning, Hea(r)t
Rises, and Just Stay Cool
have been added to the Yami no Matsuei
In Its Own Fashion has been added
to both the GetBackers and Saiyuki
Two In the Bush has been added to the
GetBackers and Wild
Adapter pages.
Kindly Stopped For Me has been added
to the GetBackers and Yami
no Matsuei pages.
Weapon of Choice has been added to
the Highlander and Saiyuki
Savage Gods, next in the Yami
no Schwarz drabble series, has been added to the Weiss
Kreuz and Yami no Matsuei pages.
Tea for Three, next in the Red
Tape drabble series, has been added to the Saiyuki
and Yami no Matsuei pages.
April 2, 2006: Added Fine Is a Four-Letter
Word to the GetBackers page.
Added Feast on Scraps (Variation on a
Theme of Layers) to the Saiyuki
March 20, 2006: Created separate sections for GetBackers
and Wild Adapter.
Stigmata and Unbinding
have been added to the GetBackers page.
Ulterior Motive has been added to
the Wild Adapter page.
March 5, 2006: Added Incentive
to the Fullmetal Alchemist page.
Little Light of Love, a GetBackers
drabble, and love-crumbs,
a Wild Adapter drabble series, have been added to the Miscellaneous
Added Cast of Thousands to the Weiss
Kreuz page.
February 11, 2006: Complementary Colors
has been added to the Saiyuki page.
February 2, 2006: Boondock Saints now
has its own section, since I realized there were three stories and three
is the cut-off.
If By Sea has been added to the Saiyuki
Not Easy Being has been added to
the Weiss Kreuz page.
January 7, 2006: New look, new URL, new title (sorry to those of you
who will have to change links), and new sections for Fullmetal
Alchemist, Highlander,
Saiyuki, and
Weiss Kreuz. All of my drabbles and
flashfic have been added to the site and can be found under their respective
fandom headings.
Touché has been added to the
Fullmetal Alchemist page.
Aglow With the Taste has been added
to the Harry Potter page.
Blood Less Cold, a series crossing The
Good King and Highlander, has been added to both the Highlander
page and the Miscellaneous page. The
stories in the series thus far are The Frost
Was Cruel and Heat in the Sod.
Homecoming (Down to the Sea Extended Trance
Mix) and Brought to Light
have been added to the Miscellaneous
Seeing God and A
Goku Kind of Love have been added to the Saiyuki
In the Garden of Morpheus has been
added to the Weiss Kreuz page.
Move Right Through Me and Hair's
Breadth have been added to the Yami no
Matsuei page.
Mar. 20, 2005: Added Coming
in Hot, a New Battlestar Galactica story, and The
Dark Season, a Saiyuki story, to the Miscellaneous
Added My Heart a Hunter
to the Yami no Matsuei page.
December 23, 2004: Added Abide, a Kingdom
of Heaven slash story, to the Miscellaneous
Added All Is You and Here to the
Yami no Matsuei page. It's the sequel
to In Your Arms, This Lonely Place,
first of the Tangled Embrace series.
Nov. 13, 2004: Added Wild and Sweet
to the seaQuest DSV page.
Nov. 9, 2004: Yikes, I really should not go so long between
updates. Still, it was just as well this time, because it allowed D
to get the new sections in all at one time, plus give me a brand new
site design. Those sections are Drabbles,
Harry Potter, and Yami
no Matsuei. Not only are the sections new, but so is all of
the fiction in them.
The drabble page is still under construction, so I'm not
going to list those stories, but the Harry Potter page includes
What Rough Beast (Burning
Bright Remix), and two stories from the multi-fandom
Some Blissful Dream series.
On the Yami no Matsuei page, you can find one
story from Some Blissful Dream, and two Tatsumi-centric stories,
In Your Arms, This Lonely
Place, and A Cold
and Broken Hallelujah. And really, I say they're Tatsumi-centric,
but they're actually just Tatsumi POV. All of my YnM stories
are Hisoka-centric, at the heart of it. *G*
The multi-fandom series, Some
Blissful Dream, can be found on the Miscellaneous
page. Individual stories can also be found on their home fandom pages.
The stories are as follows:
Came Sickened
to Your Shores, seaQuest DSV
The Island
King of Love, Queer as Folk US
What This Life
is For, Harry Potter
A Cracking
Voice and a Song of Love, Harry Potter
Live and Die With
Grace, Star Wars
Karmic Ocean
Dried Up, Yami no Matsuei
My Remix
Redux II remix, Every
Time I Look at You (Through the Looking Glass Remix), can be
found on the seaQuest DSV page.
Along with the above updates, I also combined the author's
notes into the story files themselves, for ease of linking and future
updates. The text versions of each story remain the same.
Drop me a line
if any links are broken or you see any errors. Enjoy.
Feb. 13, 2004: Welcome to the grand unveiling of my new
site! If you're looking for Bullet to the Heart, don't panic,
you're in the right place. The management just decided the site was
in need of a facelift, and a name change. Also, new fic. Or not so new,
if you follow my
First and foremost, there's a new section to match my
new fandom, Queer as Folk,
the US version. I'm a hardcore B/J 'shipper, so if you came here looking
for B/M...you really should have taken that left in Albuquerque. There
are two stories up currently, In
and Under, and Some
Like It White.
Two stories have been added to the seaQuest
page, Deep As You Go
and Worth the Admission.
The first is a gen piece I wouldn't advise reading after eating mushrooms,
and the second is Ben/Lucas. Enjoy.
The Miscellaneous
page contains all fandoms in which I have written only one or two stories.
QaF gets its own page because I already know I'm going to be
writing well upwards of just two. My AoS, BDS, and XF
stories can be found here, along with my Lost Boys story,
which I finally got around to putting up.
In Smallville,
there's The Calm Before (The
Modern Prometheus Remix), my offering from last year's Remix
Redux. It should surprise no one that it took me a full year to
get this one on my site.
And that's a wrap.
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