The Beginning of Wisdom
(2K, gen)
Sanzo knows the power of words.
Bosatsu's Gambit (3.5K,
Kanzeon proposes a new element to hir chess games with Jiroushin.
Closer Than They Appear
(2K, gen)
None of them are good at letting go.
Comfort Food (2K, gen)
Goku has a good day.
Complementary Colors
(5K, slash)
Sanzo on the color wheel.
The Dark Season (8K, slash)
It's a long night's journey into day.
Equal to Heaven (2K,
It's his nature.
EquiVocation (2K,
Sanzo has a calling.
Feast on Scraps (Variation on a
Theme of Layers) (9K, slash)
Sanzo's a dish best served ungarnished.
Field Tactics (3K,
Hakkai overthinks, and Gojyo comes to his rescue.
Flower Power (2K, gen)
Taming the savage Konzen.
Ghost of an Unkissed Kiss
(3K, slash)
Crossover with Fullmetal Alchemist. Another side of the Gate.
A Goku Kind of Love (5K, slash)
Goku's got his own way of doing things.
Heady Brew (3K, gen)
Kanzeon Bosatsu decides to try something more...unconventional to rouse
Here Be (2K, gen)
Off the map and into the West.
How the Monkey Stole the Sun
(2.5K, gen)
The first bedtime story.
If By Sea (3K, slash)
A pirate's life for them.
In Its Own Fashion (2.5K,
Crossover with GetBackers. A family reunion of sorts.
In Which No Minstrels Are Eaten
(2K, gen)
Saiyuki meets Monty Python.
Journey to the Black (2K,
Fusion with Weiss Kreuz. If Schwarz were the Sanzo-ikkou....
Lend a Hand (2K, foursome)
Third in the Get Away multi-fandom drabble
series. Sanzo's got it all worked out.
Make the Man (2K, slash)
It's laundry day.
The More Things Change
(2K, slash)
Fusion with Yami no Matsuei. It's the Shinigami's turn in the
Number One With (2K, gen)
Sanzo will never run out of ammunition.
The Pen Is Mightier
(2K, gen)
Konzen also has his weapon.
Really Bad Eggs (3K, gen)
Crossover with Pirates of the Caribbean. Captain Jack Sparrow
hitchhikes, and ends up regretting it.
Scripted (9K, slash)
Kenren the messenger boy.
Season to Taste (2K,
Sanzo is Hakkai's taste-tester.
Seeing God (14K, slash)
Heaven has its moments.
Set You Free (2K, gen)
Hakkai has been waiting for truth.
Shangri-la Station (2K,
The story's the same, even if the universe isn't.
Signal to Noise (2K, slash)
Gojyo notices things.
Sleep Aid (8K, slash)
Sanzo, Hakkai, and a bed.
Slouches Towards Bethlehem
(2K, slash)
He's still killing youkai for another's sake.
Spin the Wheel (2K, gen)
Kanzeon takes a risk.
Stands For Comfort (2K,
Nothing holds him.
Sun-Kissed (2K, slash)
Goku, Sanzo, and contrasts.
Voice Against Memory (2K,
Gojyo after "Sad Memory."
Volume Control (2K,
Sanzo and the fine art of environmental engineering.
Weapon of Choice (2K, gen)
Crossover with Highlander. Sanzo commissions Connor to find
a long-lost antique.
When He Comes (2K, slash)
Hakkai and Gojyo don't like the risks Sanzo takes.
The Dreaming
Under the Same Sun (2K,
Paper airplanes and other fragile things.
World in His Hands (2K,
Making garlands.
Higher Learning
Student Relations
(2K, slash)
The Sanzo-ikkou in high school.
In the (Janitor's) Closet
(2K, slash)
A little threesome action.
Housebroken (2K, slash)
Even in an AU, some things don't change.
Red Tape
Killing the Buddhist (2K,
Crossover with Yami no Matsuei. In between lives, the Sanzo-ikkou lend
assistance to the Shokan Division.
Karma's Bitch (2K, slash)
Kanzeon alerts Tatsumi to Sanzo's previous work experience.
Tea for Three (2K,
The ikkou are integrating into life in Meifu.
Fear to Tread
(3.5K, slash)
Gojyo decides to be helpful.
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