Shangri-La Station
by Rana Eros

Written for the Science Fiction AU challenge on 100_roadtrips. The title is an homage to John M. Ford's gorgeous poem, "Winter Solstice, Camelot Station," first published in the anthology, Invitation to Camelot. Betaed by Eliza and Rune.

"I'm told you can take me to T'ihn Sh'ik."

Ghi-pun looked up, saw a purebreed in Hsensa vestments, unexpected and breathtaking. He tasted Goh'grihn's arousal. Beside the Hsensa an experimental growled, gold eyes gleaming.

"I hope you did not pay for such information," Jaaqo said, deceptively mild, but the Hsensa did not look away from Ghi-pun.

"Coordinates," he said, holding out a chiusk.

Coordinates and payment, chiusk and mystery; purebreeds did not leave their own system. Ghi-pun placed his hand over the Hsensa's, who did not flinch from his claws.

The experimental growled again.

"When did you wish to leave?"


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