Looks Could Kill
by Rana Eros

Betaed by Rune, and written for a challenge I can't remember. I just know I enjoy thinking of Aya as Tsuzuki and Hisoka's demented love child entirely too much (when I'm not thinking of him as Sanzo and Gojyo's demented love child, or Sanzo reincarnated, but that's neither here nor there).

There were no pleas for mercy, no bargains. There was no struggle. Just a disfigured smile and a murmured, "You have his eyes. I knew you would."

The doctor stepped into the arc of the katana, the blade cutting him nearly in two. Aya didn't flinch; it was not the messiest death he'd dealt.

Someone gasped behind him. He whirled, looked into sad eyes a color he'd only seen in the mirror. Another explosive breath drew his attention to a boy who could be Ken's brother.

His eyes were green, but furious.

Aya wondered which of them Muraki had meant.


Weiss Kreuz
Yami no Matsuei
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