Taste For This
by Rune

Inspired by "Hit the Vein," Rune wrote this little piece for me. She's graciously allowed me to post it here. The title is taken from the song "Breath Control," by Recoil.

Shaving accidents happen to everyone. Even Aya, but it's a rarity; Ken seems fascinated, he's been staring at Aya's face for the last fifteen minutes.

"What?" Aya's voice is harsh, annoyed, but Ken doesn't flinch, barely dragging his eyes up to meet Aya's before they flick down again.

"Your face. There's blood."

Ken moves before Aya can respond. Licking his thumb, he drags it across the hard line of Aya's jaw. Warm and slick it stings, calluses pulling at raw skin.

"There." Looking pleased Ken slides his thumb into his mouth, sucking it clean.

Accidents happen to everyone. Even Aya.


Weiss Kreuz
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