The Babe With the Power
by Rana Eros

This was for a fuda_100 theme, but I can't remember which now. For what it's worth, I don't think Muraki is nearly as sexy as Jerith.

The staircases twist every which way, and though Tsuzuki can see Hisoka, he can't reach him. He calls out, but Hisoka is too taken by the crystal ball to hear. He reaches a point where he thinks Hisoka is down.

He closes his eyes and jumps.

When he lands, Hisoka is nowhere in sight and Muraki stands before him.

"Give me my partner," Tsuzuki says. Muraki smiles.

"Love me. Fear me, and I--"

Crystal shatters against the side of Muraki's head. A shard drives deep into his right eye.

"You have no power over me, you bastard," Hisoka spits.


Yami no Matsuei
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