Dark Mirror
by Rana Eros

Because sometimes Hijiri just needs to be put in his place (second fiddle, thank you very much), and someone issued a multi-fandom "100 Ways to Kill Your Lover" challenge at the same time fuda_100 was doing the "AU" challenge.

They all stare at him. His partner is the worst, always hovering. Finally, he can take no more.

"Tsuzuki, please!"

Tsuzuki starts guiltily and drops his head.

"Why do you all look at me like that?"

"I'm sorry, His--" Tsuzuki sucks in a breath, finishes shakily, "Hijiri."

He repeats his question, but Tsuzuki only answers with, "This way."

He's taken to the library and left with the Gushoushin. They also stare, but it's less weird because they're not human. They bring up a death file.

Kurosaki Hisoka, the heading reads above a large photograph.

It's Hijiri's turn to stare.


Yami no Matsuei
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