Pandora's Box
by Rana Eros

"Hope" was the challenge, which usually makes me think of Pandora first. Betaed by Eliza and Rune.

"Kurosaki Hisoka."

He turned at the voice, saw a solemn-eyed man. "Yes?"

"I am Tatsumi Seiichirou, Secretary to the Chief of the Shokan Division." They bowed, and the man continued. "You understand what your position will require?"

"I am prepared to fulfill all of my duties as Shinigami, Tatsumi-san."

"That I do not doubt, Kurosaki-kun," Tatsumi said, pushing his glasses back up his nose. "Have those duties been explained to you in full?"

"Yes, Tatsumi-san."

"Then please come with me. Konoe-kachou has your first assignment."

He followed, and the horrors began to rise.

The bottom was a long way down.


Yami no Matsuei
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